Links and Minifeatures 03 10 Friday

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This is a very good sign: Unlikely Alliance Takes on School Conflict. Homosexual advocates and Fundamentalist Christians coming together to build a framework for discussion?

Now where did those four horsemen go? They were here a minute ago...


I really suspect this is going to really hurt us in the long term. DP World will transfer fully the U.S. operations ... to a United States entity. If being moderate politically and strong allies in the war on terror doesn't help get them business, and gets them castigated like this, they've got to be asking themselves why they are our allies.

Willisms seems to have the definitive take on the matter.

Wizbang has a list of other things we need to do in order to maintain any policy consistency.

Captain's Quarters has a list of those who lost face because of this.

Scrappleface covers the poetic justice angle very well. Give the contracts to Wal-Mart!


Interesting proposal: Senator Brownback wants to use DC as tax lab


Blackfive has some interesting statistics about the press. It jibes with my experiences.


Enceladus may have life They found liquid water geysers.


Don Surber makes a point that needs making about the federal budget. Worrying about porkbusting is much ado about practically nothing, at least on the scale of where the money is spent. If you want serious cuts in the federal budget, we've got to start cutting entire departments. This is why I want the entire federal budget process altered, and one bill per year that authorizes the maximum the government can spend.


Q and O makes the same point I made about father's responsibility a while ago.


Belmont Club has an article on the strategies and tactics that win wars - directed at the minds of the enemy.


I'm not qualified to assess the weapon's performance, but I like the idea behind this. Now the Marines can drop six grenades on their current Target of Choice in three seconds, at much longer ranges than thrown ones. The have been fast firing grenade launchers for decades, but this is the first I've heard of them at the man portable level - which means there can be a couple per squad.


Volokh Conspiracy covers the fact that the ABA is requiring quotas for minorities in violation of many laws, is effectively requiring law schoold to violate the law in order to meet those quotas, and may lose their ability to accredit law schools as a result.


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