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Students Find Ring Tone Adults Can't Hear

Ironically enough, it was originally developed as a loitering teenager dispersal agent.

May be time to let these folks have their way.


Philadelphia 'English-only' eatery to face probe.

The sign may violate the city's Fair Practices Ordinance, which bans businesses from discriminating on the basis of nationality or ethnicity, Lawton said.

"The complaint will say that the sign discourages patronage by non-English speakers because of their national origin and/or ancestry," said Lawton, whose agency enforces the city's anti-discrimination laws.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this has zero to do with racism, at least on the face of it. It has to do with refusing to speak the language of the country. It has to do with refusing to become part of the overall society. Yes, I suspect that a larger proportion of hispanics are going to have trouble with an english requirement because they've been resisting it, and their "leaders" (mostly self-appointed, and with a vested interest in keeping their "flock" apart from overall society) have done everything they can over the past forty years to make it difficult. Kind of like killing your parents and asking for pity from the court because you're an orphan. It has nothing to do with racism, and everything to do with the attitude of the person who refuses to speak the same language as everyone else. I recently read a a book that discussed, among other things, the attitudes of the greek speaking cities of Italy prior to the rise of Rome, and was struck by the similarities in attitude between those people 2500 years ago and those who refuse to learn english in the US today. They're not immigrants, looking to join our society; they are colonists, looking to supplant it. They're welcome to join us, but pardon me if I refuse to cooperate in the colonizing of the United States.


How come when you get an earworm it's always some annoying commercial or saccharine kids song, never something you would actually want to listen to?

My 6 year old gave me one. It's a popular ride (with kids) at Disneyland. No, not that! Anything but that!



I love that ride.

It's one of my favorite kids.

And I'm over 30 now.

Er. Song, of course.

As for the ring tone. That's in the Bryan-College Station Eagle! That's my (heart) paper! I do think, however, that teachers will notice if you keep looking at something even if they don't HEAR the ring (and it says most adults, not all)

AND if it gets popular I suspect that there is technology that can "Hear" the ring and give an indication as well.

Mostly though I'm not sure why teenagers are being allowed to carry cellphones to class. Even at A&M Consolidated, we had lockers. If it is so necessary for safety that the kids have the cellphones, I think leaving them in the locker is appropriate. (And when I went to high school there it was not at all unafe. Though I will admit Bryan High was reportedly rougher)

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