My Thoughts on Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, and Iran

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On the Israel-Gaza-Lebanon front, Hisbollah is owned, lock stock and barrel, by Iran. Hamas gets a lot of funding from the crazy mullahs. If anybody thinks this entire episode of kidnapping Israelis is a coincidence instead of intended to take heat off the Iranian nuclear issue (after all, they don't have bombs yet), I have some beachfront property in Wyoming.

Q and O has an open letter to Lebanon worth reading. It applies to other nations as well.

Tigerhawk notes Saudi Arabia taking Israel's side, if not quite explicitly.

LGF publishes a letter from a Lebanese group on the israeli invasion. I'm not familiar with this group; for all I know they could be puppets of Israel.

LGF also notes that Iranian Revolutionary Guards (known to be in Southern Lebanon) may have fired a ballistic missile that hit Haifa. If this is so, the gloves may come off; It would certainly be a valid causus belli for Israel. About number two million and one.

Wizbang notes that Hezbollah may be planning the transfer the two soldiers it kidnapped to Iran. Causus belli number two million and two.

Kesher Talk has a roundup from the Arab side

Hot Air has more, including a video of detailing the Israeli accusations that Iranian guards fired the missile. I suggest you watch the video.

I do not want a confrontation with Iran, but if one must come, the worst we could do is delay it until they have nuclear weapons. If we have to nuke them in order to survive, our allies in the region (including 1.2 billion Indians) will reap fallout, and I suspect China would use the fallout to manufacture an incident. The US can flatten Iran if we have to. I don't want to, but if it must be done, a thought I am becoming resigned to, best we do it now while we have the luxury of being humane and conventional.

Of course the Evil Overlord in me is wondering if this was all carefully orchestrated by the folks in the White House as world cover for giving Israel, the US, and any allies he may have lined up a shot at Iran. Unfortunately, the situational facts of the kidnappings and Palestinian situation speak against this.

The slightly less Macchiavellian side of me answers back: Bad Evil Overlord! The shalt not feed Delusional Paranoia


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