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Carnival of Personal Finance Recommended: One Year Exit Plan

Carnival of Investing

RINO Sightings Recommended: Armies of Liberation (Yemeni collaboration with Iraqi Ba'athists)


Ancient Roman road found in Netherlands

The stretch of road discovered in Houten is believed to have connected two forts - Traiectum, which gives its name to the modern city of Utrecht, and Fectio, modern Vechten

I just love history and how it layers!


Breaking the Hold of Hegemonist Doctrine

This guy makes sense.


Still don't feel much like writing. The article I wrote earlier this evening, Just Because You Don't Believe In an Antropomorphic Deity Doesn't Mean You're Not Religious, was written in a pique of severe annoyance with some sanctimonious twits who want to appoint themselves the chosen guardians of public debate. I'm not Christian and I've certainly been annoyed and exasperated by some pigheaded examples of that religion in the past, but just because someone is annoyed does not remove anyone's constitutional rights or the reasons for those rights. Depressed as I am right now, I have even less patience for weak minded selfish fools than usual.

I still miss my little symbiont. Perhaps even more than my parents were, he's a hard loss to take because he and his antics were so much a part of my daily life. I'm coming back; it's to the point now where I can see where jokes might be funny, and by the end of the week I think I'll probably be ready to laugh at some of them. I'm so grateful to my wife for helping me through this that words fail.

One item I could use some help with: Our other dog, Mellon, who is several months younger than Thing was. Dogs are social pack creatures by nature. Mellon has never been by herself in her life, and she's crying when she gets lonely. Neither getting another dog nor allowing her to sleep with us is on the list of options right now. I need to buy a new pillow anyway and I'm considering giving her the old one, because it smells like her favorite human. Anyone have any other ideas, or experience with this particular problem?


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This page contains a single entry by Dan Melson published on January 9, 2007 12:24 AM.

Just Because You Don't Believe In an Anthropomorphic Deity Doesn't Mean You're Not Religious was the previous entry in this blog.

The Best Idea About Applying for a Mortgage is the next entry in this blog.

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