Links and Minifeatures 09 13 Wednesday

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Carnival of Personal Finance

Carnival of Real Estate Recommended: Sellsius. Zillow is notoriously inaccurate. I wonder what would happen if a homeowner sued because their zestimate caused a prospective buyer to back out?

RINO Sightings Recommended: Don Surber

Canival of Liberty

Carnival of The Capitalists


I see nothing has changed since I left the FAA Ky. controllers had worries before crash

Besides the letter to the senators, another Lexington control tower operator wrote to the FAA's Accountability Board on Dec. 1, 2005, complaining about a hostile work environment in the tower. That employee requested anonymity, fearing discipline against him.

"Not only do the vast majority of controllers worry about the security of their jobs, but this anxiety in the work place should be considered a legitimate safety concern for the flying public since controllers are not in a healthy state of mind while working traffic," he wrote.

The rule is that the FAA never fixes anything until there are bodies on the ground, and management will choose only the most cosmetic of repair measures then.


Study shows Neanderthals survived longer

But any resemblance to Al Franken or Rush Limbaugh is purely coincidental.


Looks like the elephants succeeded in defending thier incumbent centrist against the hard right: Chafee Keeps Republican Hopes Alive in RI

Mind you, the odds were with them where they were against the Donkeys in Connecticut next door. Even Elephants in blue states know they can't elect a wingnut, whereas the Donkeys may actually think they can elect a moonbat.

We'll find out November 7th.


Lysistrata, call your office: Colombia gang wives call sex strike against crime

BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) - They are calling it the "crossed legs" strike.

Fretting over crime and violence, girlfriends and wives of gang members in the Colombian city of Pereira have called a ban on sex to persuade their menfolk to give up the gun.


Here's some wisdom from Willisms on the supposed virtues of walking on eggshells. To his excellent list, let me add another: It lends credence to the theory that we're afraid of them.


Strata=-Sphere has a nice piece on the NY Times trying to frustrate investigations. I don't think receiving classified information should be a crime, but these sort of precautions speak to something to hide, don't they?


Q and O on a Lawrence Kaplan editorial explaining the need to finish the job in Iraq to both the Murtha and Kerry wings.

Mr. Smash exposes the Code Pink people not supporting the troops.


I'm hoping to be on a less burned-out and more even keel by the weekend.


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