Links and Minifeatures 08 14 Sunday

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My wife and I have an ongoing joke about the alleged thriftiness of my Scottish ancestors. While I was cleaning out the fish tank, my wife showed my elder daughter the virtual bubble wrap popping thing that's been going around. I heard my wife tell my daughter that she couldn't create a new sheet until she popped the last bubble. Conserving virtual bubble wrap? I paused in what I was doing and went over to her, kissed her, and on the spot inducted her into The Ancient and Thrifty Order of Honorary Scottish.


Done with Mirrors has a great letter from an Iraqi man to Cindy Sheehan.


On an impulse, picked up Disney's "The Kid" on DVD, and my wife, elder daughter, and I watched it last evening. It was a thoroughly enjoyable movie, maybe a little heavy on the moralizing shtick, but nothing anybody who reads political stuff should have difficulty handling. Bruce Willis, Lily Tomlin, some young actress as the love interest, and a chubby little kid to play Bruce Willis' character as an eight year old. Bruce Willis does a really good job (don't let the fact that most people know him from the Die Hard series fool you - he can act, as those who watched even a little bit of "Moonlighting" know), Lily Tomlin is thoroughly enjoyable, and the kid is a joy to watch as well. All in all, an enjoyable family movie well worth the $10 I spent on it in the bargain bin at Target, and I imagine we'll be watching it again (knowing my daughter, and again and again...). By comparison with a lot of mindless melodramatic dreck out there, I have no idea why it didn't do better in the theaters. Ramona thinks it's because people don't expect Bruce Willis in this kind of role. I say, "Their loss."


Which Swear (Curse) Word Are You?

HT:Right Thoughts

Your word is BUGGER. You are generally quite
restrained, but sometimes your anger or
frustration come to the surface and it all
comes out. Yet you somehow can't stop sounding
polite, despite it all.


MuD and PHuD has a good article on the status of the second amendment in New Jersey (locked in the cupboard under the stairs).


Ogre has a funny worth reading.


Off to do workout and hold an open house.


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