Links and Minifeatures 10 27 Thursday

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LGF takes us to an article at about Race riots in Britain between blacks and Pakistanis.


HT to LGF for directing me to Baldilocks asking: what happens if the anti-war left wins? Quite frankly, barring another Ronald Reagan, we're done, as I talked about here and ranted about here. Oh, we'll be around for a while - former great powers usually aren't actually conquered right away. Rome lasted a couple hundred years, and the Ottomon Empire about the same. The Chinese Empire and Egypt lasted a millenium. But the end will start there. I have children I love. Therefore, I am determined to do everything in my power to see that the anti-war left doesn't win.


Unfortunately, I've seen way too much of this kind of stereotypical manure to have any trouble believing it happens. Hope the Democrats keep you happy down on that plantation you like so much.

On a related note: HT to Eric's Grumbles for pointing me at this essay from Shrinkwrapped. Eric also has some things to add of his own. I keep harping on this subject, Eric keeps hitting it, La Shawn Barber hits it out of the ballpark every chance she gets, Condi and Colin Powell and Clarence Thomas are living embodiments of the fact that the pernicious memes we're all fighting should be dead - and the naked emperor slides ever further into denial.


This is a hopeful sign of curbing lawsuit abuse. Unfortunately, the Trial Lawyer representative's quote is the predictable piece of garbage.


Commissar over at Politburo Diktat has a meme: Who's Your Blog-daddy?. If I have to choose just one, it would be Hugh Hewitt who got me off my kiester and into doing this myself with a certain book. Additional inspiration provided by Scrappleface, where I used to comment sometimes before I started this thing. Official start date: June 19, 2005. Nobody has confessed to being my blogchild yet.


Tim Blair illustrates yet another major speech where John Kerry's powercord doesn't quite reach the socket. And there are still people who claim he won the election, while I'm thanking my lucky stars that 62 million of my fellow americans who realize what a bozo he is outnumbered those who couldn't be bothered to wake up any time between February and November 2004.


Mudville Gazette publishes the last letter home from one of our heroes in Iraq, a blessing be unto his spirit in perpetuity. For those of you chanting your anti-war mantras, this is what true moral authority looks like.

I also found a link there to The video that SHOULD be on TV.

Jawa Report has an article about the military finally getting frustrated enough with our allegedly professional news reporters to flat out tell them that they're being used as propaganda dupes by the terrorists.

My prediction of the effect it will have on the mental processes of the Fourth Estate: zero.

Wizbang makes an excellent attempt to inject some sanity into the left, giving historical context and experience. Good article, no name calling, perfect advice for anyone on the left who wants to move the country in their direction.

My prediction of the effect it will have on the mental processes of the left (even those who read it): zero, or actually a little negative. Denial can be an amazing thing to behold, and denial is the state of the left. I've attempted to hold discussions with die-hard Donkey partisans on how to make things go more their way. Yes, I'm actually trying to help the Donkeys because the country benefits from having at least two parties who could, in theory, lead us somewhere important with some kind of coherent government strategy. Two parties that someone such as myself with no explicit ideological stake either way could vote for. Problem is, all of the solutions require changes that would be very uncomfortable for them. And so the reactions I get are usually along the lines of one nationally known author who responded, "No, I refuse to address this lunacy!"


On the hopeful side for those who hope the President can do something constructive with the rest of his term, VodkaPundit has the ideal issue: Government Pork. I agree. I think it would be just unexpected enough to work if the president threw the full weight of his administration behind it and made it "his" issue. Everybody hates pork, even in your own district, unless it's lining your pocket in particular. Less risky than a qualified conservative jurist who is nonetheless going to experience a borking far beyond anything the original suffered through, and more payoff.

Wizbang covers a meeting between Senator Coburn and several A-list members of the 'sphere. It's going to be a long hard slog if it happens, but the president could set up the momentum that would result in essential victory very quickly.


Eric's Grumbles wants opposable thumbs. Okay, Eric wants to be a Playful Primate in the Ecosystem. Eric says he needs a gain of five links net over Eric's competition to do it. Alright, Eric, I'll help. Here are as many links to Eric as I can possibly justify in one paragraph. And there's no need to make good on your promise to link me back, Eric. I'm not doing this to get links of my own. I'm doing it so I can put you over the top into Primatehood, Eric. Of course, once this post scrolls off my front page, you're on your own, Eric, but you'll have made it once anyway. And as Paul Newman (as Harry Frigg) said, you'll know that you made it once.

UPDATE: So everybody added a total of 39 links to Eric, but the ecosystem shifted leaving Eric still high and dry at 101 this morning. Well, Eric, here's one more try to help you get Primatehood. The ecosystem shifts all the time, Eric, I go back and forth between 500 and 800 on the list, so even if you make it Eric you may well drop down again. But I will have done my best so that you make it once.


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» Who's Your (Blog) Daddy? from Eric's Grumbles Before The Grave

Commissar, at Politburo Diktat, has a meme: Who's Your Daddy?. He's trying to create a family tree of bloggers. He asks the following: your blogfather, or blogmother, as the case may be. Just one please - the one blog that,... Read More

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