Apology in advance

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My home computer has just developed a fault somewhere in the video display part of the system. I can read it, but it's really difficult. We're hoping it's just a loose card or dirty contacts, but we won't know until we have a chance to look at it.

Luckily, we just ordered a new home computer a couple of days ago. It might even be here today. But until we get it and get it set up, new articles are going to be hard.

I hate entropy. I mean I really hate entropy.

UPDATE Friday 11 November: No new computer until Monday. I got today's article done between and during phone calls at work. Hoping to have opportunity to get into innards of current one, to see if the video card is loose or the contacts dirty, after the girls go to bed tonight. Otherwise, it just hurts too much to use.

Please, take some time to honor veterans today, and if you see someone in uniform or that you know is or was in the service, thank them in person. They've been where freedom's rubber hits the road.


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