Links and Minifeatures 01 19 Thursday

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Carnival of Comedy


Well surprise, surprise, surprise. Clinton administration thwarted prosecutor's work.


Think law of supply and demand as you read this: Housing May Be Cooling. Okay, it's December, and it's no coincidence that's when all the realtors go skiing. Dead time of year. Nonetheless, they're building large numbers and sales are slow. What do you think is going to happen?


"We'll call it a draw" - The Black Knight, Monty Python and the Holy Grail

bin Laden offers truce. Note that they're not offering peace, just a truce until we get an appeaser in the White House. And of course, the similarity in phrasing and talking points to the die hard moonbats is "purely coincidental," right?

Dr. Sanity (who else?) deconstructs the logic.

Jawa Report has a transcript of the tape as well as a side by side quote comparison.


Rice demands UN action on Iran nuclear dispute. One hopes in the fish or cut bait sense.


Ann Althouse has some reactions about a website dedicated to outing UCLA professors who practice political indoctrination. Note that their own website says they don't care where on the spectrum a given professor sits, only that they practice indoctrination. However, given the proclivities of modern academia, we all know what's really going on. When's the last time you heard of someone complaining that their professor was a closet Bircher? Compared to my experiences in college, that might actually be a breath of fresh air and a chance to see if I can (metaphorically) hit right wing idiots as hard as left.

Professor Bainbridge has his own set of reactions. Money quote:" I say to my colleagues: Welcome to the 21st Century. It's going to be a very bumpy ride." Yep. For everyone that's accustomed to having unchallenged authority. I think it's grand.

Volokh Conspiracy also has some worthwhile thoughts. Basically, if it's valid, it's beneficial. If it's invalid, they have a right to say it.

Given the opportunity, the average person will choose accountability for the other person but not for themselves every time. But accountability for everyone is a good thing.


Big Lizards has the scoop on who was killed in the terrorist's not-so-safe-house in Pakistan. Moral: no Welleran routine for Al-Qaeda. (the link is Project Gutenberg, and if you're unfamiliar, it's one of the earlier examples of modern fantasy, and is pretty short).


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