Links and Minifeatures 06 27 Tuesday

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Carnival of Liberty Recommended: Liberty Papers (contrasting EU and US Constitutions)


Israel masses forces near Gaza

The only thing I have to say is "What took them so long?"

LATER: Israeli troops enter Gaza

Maybe the Paleosimians will get the message the Israel's patience is not unlimited.

Captain's Quarters has some good information on the happenings.


Hallelujah! I have no desire to infringe upon smoker's freedoms, so long as they don't infringe mine. Unfortunately for those smokers out there who are considerate, it only takes one "You can't stop me from smoking" nitwit to ruin the environment for everybody.

Unsurprisingly, to anyone who has followed this issue:

The report says the tobacco industry has sought to cover up scientific findings on environmental tobacco smoke.

"The industry has funded or carried out research that has been judged to be biased, supported scientists to generate letters to editors that criticized research publications, attempted to undermine the findings of key studies, assisted in establishing a scientific society with a journal, and attempted to sustain controversy even as the scientific community reached consensus," it said.


Iran says will not benefit from talks with US

I'm not certain that this is the official response from the regime in Tehran. Khameini does have the real power, but he is not the President. Official or not, though, it does not bode well.


I can hear the moonbats now: Rush Limbaugh under new investigation Arrested for having Viagra, evidently prescribed by a doctor but in someone else's name for privacy reasons.


Honor the Threat


The most rational thing I've seen on the New York Times blowing national security wide open. I'm very interested in the identities of the people who leaked to the Times. Isn't that covered by the public's right to know, which they seem to hold above all other principles? These officials need to be relieved, and they probably need to spend the rest of their lives in jail if not have that life artificially shortened. This is treason, treason that stands to cost us any number of lives you would care to name, treason willfully and intentionally committed. I can't really see charging the Times for treason. They have signed no loyalty oaths, they have pledged no secrecy, and it is their job to sell newspapers, not to protect the country. But the people who told the Times about it have no such excuse. Nor does this mean we can't all simply decide to ignore the Times - stop buying it, stop supporting it, stop linking it. Stop supporting treason.

Michael Barone asks "Why do they hate us?"


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