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For those is San Diego (or people who need a loan anywhere in California), over at my professional site, I'm going to be starting quasi-regular features on loans I can really do at the time I post, and properties of interest in the San Diego area.

If you're in Manhattan, of course, these properties will seem cheap to you. If you're somewhere housing prices are cheap, they'll seem outrageous.

Nothing there yet except an introductory post. I'll try to do at least one set of each per week.

Here's the link for The loans only

Here's for properties only

Here's for both



RINO Sightings


Below the Beltway has an intelligent post on ending farm welfare. I have always wondered by what logic we subsidize active farms, but this is just land that used to be farmland.


Combs Spouts Off covers the conviction of a Saudi man and his wife for slaveholding, among other offenses, right here in this country. Money quote: "What did he do?" from the man's daughter, who wins today's People Unclear on The Concept award.

Slaveholding is vile, abhorrent, and completely unacceptable. That anyone continues to tolerate it today, 117 years after Brazil banned it, the last western country to do so, is nothing short of an abomination. Even non-western cultural backwaters such as Nepal banned it so long ago (1925) as to be essentially beyond living memory. Why does it persist, and persist so strongly that they don't even realize they did anything wrong when it's explained to them, in Islamic countries?

Multi-culturalists, you may now hang your heads in shame. Because there are lines that must not be crossed by anyone - and this is one of them.


Yemen is correcting their voter lists. Okay, there are dozens of games that can be played with elections even if the list of those eligible is correct. But there are hundreds, if not thousands, of games that can be played if the list is not correct. So mark this as a step in the right direction.


On Hamdan, Combs Spouts Off has an article worth reading on Hamdan, which leads me to wonder if impeaching Stevens and those who joined him in this opinion is likely to be productive. They willfully ignored the directly worded commandment of Congress in the law that there be no judicial jurisdiction, a right they have repeatedly ruled Congress possesses.

A point needs to be made here. That these justices ruled at all on the case is a direct violation of the law. They are not intended to be judicial monarchs, or even oligarchs. They are not supposed to have authority to make the law, only to interpret it, and the point needs to be made that they cannot stray too far from the mandates of the legislatural branch.

legal redux has more, reinforcing what I just said.

Mark Steyn has the justices discovering a right to jihad.


I am Batman. Actually, we all are Batman. Spiderman, too.


I'd say that this article at Jihad Watch is evidence in the against column for Moslem peaceful existence with the West.


Buzz Machine is asking the two Times to come up with a statement of principles in when they will and will not print information such as the disclosure of the SWIFT program. This makes good sense, and we can then judge them upon the contents of those principles and how well they adhere to them.

It has become all too clear, however, that the two Times will print whatever is to the detriment of the political party they do not like, and suppress what is detrimental to the political party they do.


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This page contains a single entry by Dan Melson published on July 3, 2006 1:40 AM.

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