Links and Minifeatures 08 10 Thursday

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To frame it in terms of a very old joke: What's green and smells like pork?


I just dealt with five pieces of trackback spam from a site that wants to sell spamblockers. Methinks there is something more than vaguely ironic about this...


Politburo Diktat has an extremely intelligent suggestion: put government funding of alternative energy sources on a war footing. Because we just might need it to win a war.


Lileks Screed has some poetic justice to muse about.

While we're on the subject of Cuba, NRO has a piece about how Raul is not the liberalizer all the left of center pundits are whispering devout prayers about.


On the subject of Joe Lieberman and the Connecticut election, Big Lizards is advising the Republican nominee to avoid splitting the "sane" vote. I endorse this position.

Michael Barone also has some relevant thoughts worth reading.


Volokh Conspiracy notes that those who receive classified information can now be prosecuted.

I disagree with this ruling, but I'm not the judge. I think the receiver should get as much of a free pass as possible, else we'll eventually be able to frame someone by divulging classified information. The leakers should be vigorously prosecuted to the full extent of the law, but the leakees haven't done anything that should be illegal.


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This page contains a single entry by Dan Melson published on August 10, 2006 11:30 PM.

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