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The stuff they're doing with CGI these days: Ford says he's fit to play Indiana Jones


Iranian leader threatens Israel's allies

Ahmadinejad called the U.N. Security Council and all its decisions "illegitimate" and said the world body was being used as a tool of Iran's enemies - the United States and Britain.


Ahmadinejad, speaking to a crowd of hundreds of thousands in Tehran, threatened any country that supports Israel, and said the U.S. and its allies had "imposed a group of terrorists" on the region by their support of the Jewish state.

"It is in your own interest to distance yourself from these criminals... This is an ultimatum. Don't complain tomorrow," he cautioned. "Nations will take revenge."

Is there anyone reading this who doesn't think Iran's leaders would unleash a nuclear apocalypse if it could?

But he goes on:

"The time is over for such logic. Under such circumstances, the Security Council is illegitimate and its decisions are illegitimate," Ahmadinejad said, drawing chants of "Death to America" from the crowd.

Nuke watch: The game's getting tougher


Cue "Twilight Zone" music: Why is the White House so Eerily Confident about the Coming Elections?

Read the comments, also. But maybe you'd better wear a helmet so your head doesn't explode.

And she actually gives one of the two reasons why the White House is not worried:

Karl Rove recently told the Washington Times, "For most Americans, particularly the marginal voters who are going to determine the outcome of the election, it started a couple of weeks ago... Between now and the election we will spend $100 million in target House and Senate races in the next 21 days". That is $30 million a week in 15 or 16 key races. Knowing this group, the answers must lie in a clever blitzkrieg combo of all of the above.

In short, the Democrats are basically broke, while the Republicans are sitting on a huge pile of cash. People remember what you told them last, and it doesn't matter where you are in the polls now. What matters is how many votes you get on election day. Does the marathoner who's ahead with two miles to go get the gold medal, or does the one who actually crosses the finish line first? There's only one poll that really matters, and it take place November 7th.

Number two: Bush isn't running again. Ever. Even if the Republicans lose as badly as the most partisan Democrats are hoping, he will still be President. Furthermore, as I've said before, if the Democrats win, I'm confident they'll sink themselves responding to the need to govern. The Democrats aren't going to have the votes for a successful impeachment. Worst possible case: Bush gets a Democratic Congress to deal with his last two years. If they're obstructionist enough, Newt Gingrich could give you chapter and verse of what's likely to happen. Remember Newt? He hasn't been Speaker for quite a while now. Tip O'Neil and Tom Foley could fill in the little details. Yeah, it would make the President's job a little harder - and would likely set the stage for a return of the Republicans in 2008. Big time. The Democrats last sensor contact with reality was 1996, and it's only the fact that they have nothing to do with governing has kept them competitive nationally. I'd love to see the Democrats develop more contacts with reality - it would give us all a realistic alternative to the Republicans, because as bad as the Republicans are, let the Democrats get in charge of the economy and the war, and their policies will wreck both. Which will be the reason the Republicans would be back in 2008.


Michelle Malkin on how outraged the Democrats are that the Republican chair of the House Intelligence Committee suspended the access to classified material of a Democratic committee aid accused of leaking classified information.


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