Lynne Stewart Gets Slap on Wrist, Claims It's Persecution

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Terrorist lawyer who smuggled messages sentenced. She should have gotten life for her flagrant abuse of the civil rights system of this country. Every lawyer who violates the law like her is one more endangerment to the civil rights of all of us.

"If you send her to prison, she's going to die. It's as simple as that," defense lawyer Elizabeth Fink had told the judge before the sentence was pronounced.

That's her lawyer. She has to say that. I don't know about hoping she's correct, but I have no sympathy for traitors, particularly traitors who abuse the civil rights that have evolved to protect us all from government abuse.

Here's her crime:

Stewart and other defendants carried messages between the sheik and senior members of an Egyptian-based terrorist organization, helping spread Abdel-Rahman's call to kill those who did not subscribe to his extremist interpretation of Islamic law.

In other words, she helped a terrorist we had already caught continue to lead his followers. Just a little violation of ethical guidelines. Probably wouldn't have aided in the murder of more than a few thousand people.

Stewart, in her letter to the judge, said she did not intentionally enter into any plot or conspiracy to aid a terrorist organization. She believes the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks made her behavior intolerable in the eyes of the government and gave it an excuse to make an example out of her.

Unless she's suffering from multiple personality disorder, this is a lie, and the latter half is paranoid delusional as well. "Poor little me! Just because I'm guilty is no excuse to prosecute!"

She could have gotten thirty years. She should have gotten life without parole. She didn't even get 30 months. If I'm ever guilty of anything, I hope they "persecute" me like that.

Don Surber has more.

Stop the ACLU also has some thoughts worth reading.

Captain's Quarters:

Stewart wants to play the patsy. However, patsies don't spend the lengthy time between her conviction and her sentencing appearing at numerous left-wing anti-war rallies, undermining the war effort and claiming to have been persecuted. Patsies don't tell crowds that they would do the same thing all over again under the same circumstances. The only saps involved in this case come from the multitudes who bought that story, and they're about to discover how gullible they've been.

Which last thought wins the "Wishful Thinking" of the Day Award, but the rest is spot on debunking of some boldfaced lies.


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