Links and Minifeatures 04 16 Monday

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Penn and Teller on Gun Control (28:00 video) Severe Language Advisory applies.

As the point has been made any number of times before, in events like today's top news story, if law abiding citizens could have guns, the tally would probably be a lot lower than 32, and I think there would be a lot fewer incidents, as any number of studies have shown that incidence of violence declines when the population is armed.

As the gang member interviewed says: Gun control laws don't keep him from getting guns. All they do is keep the law abiding citizens from being able to shoot back. Because, hard as this fact is to assimilate for some people, criminals don't obey gun control laws.

Michelle Malkin gives specifics

That and sympathy for the families of the victims is all I've got to say.

(I actually had the Penn and Teller link saved here a couple days ago. I would rather not have had such a fresh and graphic illustration of how right they are to accent it)


Instapundit on fossil fuel use and global warming:

Indeed, from my perspective we should be doing the same things — working hard to reduce the use of fossil fuels — regardless of what you think about global warming. But the self-righteousness and exaggeration of the global-warming advocates does set my teeth on edge, and encourage mockery. As I wrote here: "I don't know a lot about climatology. But I know a lot about media bulldozing operations, and I see one of those in action at the moment on this subject. . . . However, my own position is that it doesn't matter much in terms of policy. We should be trying to minimize the burning of fossil fuels regardless of whether it's a cause of global warming or not. The rather patent hucksterism — and outright bullying — of some global warming advocates, though, will probably hurt that cause more than help it over the longer term."

It's good to have evidence that I am not the only sane man on the planet


I'm a bit late to this party, but Bill Whittle has finally posted SEEING THE UNSEEN, Part 2. Completely demolishes conspiracy theorists in general and four specific brands of them in particular. Some Bad Language, but warranted and necessary under the circumstances. Go. Read. It. Now.


VDH's Private Papers on the differences between Judeo-Christian violence and Islamic violence.

Martin Luther King had a dream. So does Victor Davis Hanson. Sadly, the dream of the latter is not likely to happen. Which will do more to endanger the dreams of the former than the actions of any white power bigot.


Argghhh! seems to have the best take on the behavior of the british hostages


Q and O on the largest tax increase in history - the Democrats allowing tax cuts with expirations in the next 2 to four years to expire.


An interesting intellectual approach to the disparity on inprisonment rates between "races" in the United States.


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