Carnivals: June 2006 Archives

RINO Sightings

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George Santayana Edition

"Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

In order to stop speculation in the press which was helping the Axis, in 1943 General Eisenhower gave a press briefing confirming to the reporters in the American press that Sicily was the next target of allied invasion. He explained to them that if they printed it, it would result in the deaths of many American and allied soldiers. Not one reporter said a word, even to their superiors in the newsroom. The invasion of Sicily was a whirlwind success, capturing the island in less than forty days, and many papers were sold reporting the successes. Dean's World would like the press to remember that their best interest conincides with the best interests of the country. Our greatest successes spur the most interest in the news, but that is lost on the media, as he relates in What's Black and White and Treasonous All Over?

In the same vein, in 1941, the United States cracked Purple, a supposedly unbreakable Japanese code. The failure to warn Admiral Kimmel of the Japanese attack in a timely fashion was a failure of communication, not of knowledge, and our knowledge of it enabled us to predict Japanese intentions many times during the remainder of the war, most notably at Midway. Many in the press suspected US knowledge of Japanese communications, but nothing was printed or confirmed until years later, and the war was won. Once again, Don Surber notes our modern traitorous press has lost perspective of what is important in Superman syndrome.

In 594 BC, Solon became eponymous archon of Athens. After having his constitution accepted, he extracted the promise of the city that they would not amend it unless he changed it himself, and promptly gave up power and left Athens for ten years. Armies of Liberation wonders if Yemen's president Saleh relly intends to follow in his footsteps. Of course, Solon reigned for only a few years and gained power through the political process, where Saleh has been in power for twenty-eight following a coup. Read the comments for more perspective. Pardon me if I also link an update wherein it is confirmed that Saleh is in fact running, much like Julius Caesar may have intended to eventually accept Anthony's offer of the crown, never mind that Anthony was Caesar's subordinate and had no authority to make the offer. We can hope for the sake of the Yemeni citizens that the Ides of March arrives soon.

In 1896, populist William Jennings Bryan set the Progressive agenda in motion and won the Democratic nomination for President with his Cross of Gold speech, saying things remarkably similar to much of what Hitler rode to power thirty-seven years later, but he was not a fascist (although modern american atheists might disagree with me). Enrevanche makes the same sort of comparison in Speaking of Godwin's Law...

In 1485 at the Battle of Bosworth Field, William Stanley turned his coat and the tide of battle, causing a defeat that was fatal to both Richard III and the Yorkist cause. Today, Commissar over at Politburo Diktat documents The Selling-out of Paul Hackett, which may be fatal to the NutRoots™, at least in Ohio.

In 105 BC, possibly in defiance of existing law and definitely in defiance of tradition, Gaius Marius was elected consul for a second term in order to deal with the the threat of the Cimbri. After he defeated them, he was elected to consul several more times, and his political manoueverings to hold onto power, particularly his struggle with Sulla, laid the foundations for the death of the Republic. So it is in modern context as Ex-Donkey wonders Superman Returns"...Is That A Good Thing?

The earliest recorded comedy is base doggerel, mostly sexual and always animalistic in nature, as we are reminded by these submissions from Blogger Ale, as well as this one from Avant News

Satire, by contrast, owes its origins to the fact that the person of the bard was sacred in the original heathen traditions of northern and western europe, thus preventing the satirized strongman from wreaking bloody vengeance upon the speaker. Which is probably a good thing for Morgnet.

In contrast to the (sarcasm on) horrible chauvinistic eurocentric custom of letting the opposition speak, (sarcasm off) Jawa Report notes that it is still under a distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack from the "enlightened" followers of Wahhabism. Since he is under DDOS attack, don't click the link which is simply to show support; there's no article there (and your chances of accessing the site are dim). Of course, those attacking him are still crazed whack jobs and you can still read about their nefarious deeds many other places. Only a couple billion people must realize how sick those attacking him are. It must make them feel good to temporarily shut one of their innumerable critics down. I hereby present them with my Leaky Sieve Award for Ineffectual Censorship. Which incidentally, is also failing in China and all of the other totalitarian regimes who can't bear to cut themselves off from civilization entirely.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, some Americans felt other americans were overstepping the bounds of the freedoms guaranteed them as Americans in that these fellow americans were keeping their fellow human beings as chattel slaves - personal property, to do with as they pleased. Our most vicious conflict today was fought over this issue, resulting in, among other things, the Fourteenth Amendment. Today, many americans feel that other americans are taking their freedoms too far, by forcing everyone around them to breathe their voluntarily created cancer causing and malodorous tobacco emissions. Some say it is big brotherish (both an ad hominem attack and a red herring, by the way), but I agree with legal redux in that I have no objection to someone killing themselves with tobacco, but when it comes to forcing others to abide the results of their pollution, I believe a strong line needs to be drawn. Not exactly chattel slavery for life, one must admit. Nonetheless, inconsiderate smokers ruin many people's enjoyment of the public environment by failing to respect the rights of others to enjoy their lives, different only in degree, not in kind, from southern slaveholders.

In the eighth through fourth centuries BC, the cities of what is in the present day Greece planted colonies from North Africa and Spain to the Ukraine and Armenia. They mostly brought civilization to barbarous lands, and even when there were existing civilizations, greatly helped the cause of order. By contrast, the colonization efforts of today are largely from less developed countries who nonetheless have high birth rates to more developed ones who have low birth rates. Techography notes exactly how strong this movement has become.

In 1787, representatives from the 13 states met in Philadelphia in what is now known as the Constitutional Convention. Remembering what was one of the colonists causus belli against Great Britain a dozen years before. Indeed, the british attempt to disarm the colonists was the precipate flash point behind the battles of Lexington and Concord that started the American Revolution. Therefore, they attempted to insure against the new federal government attempting to disarm its citizens with one of a series of proposed amendments to the new Constitution, called the Bill of Rights. Indeed, it was the second (out of twelve) of these to receive the necessary approval of the states, and henceforth became known as the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Classical Values notes that this amendment is still needed today, although largely from international pressure (Guns in the hand of the populace being a chief nightmare of the oligarchs and totalitarians that still make up the majority of the UN).

At the beginning of the 1960s, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., facing an entrenched white power structure that had an interest in keeping minorities from participating in the political process, decided to emulate the tactics of nonviolence which Mohandas Gandhi has successfully used in India. Going Mr. Gandhi one better, his towering personal dignity helped convince ordinary Americans that the only decent rational thing - the only American thing to do - was to demand that those people represented by Dr. King receive a fair shake in the political process, the same access to voting and the same ability to run for office that any other citizen possessed. In 1994, minority Hutu extremists amassed weapons and carried out a genocide of between 800,000 and 1,100,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus, who then proceded to turn around and militarily take over the country and turn the genocide around against those extremist Hutus who had initially carried it out, hounding the survivors out of the country. In 2006, facing a political climate of opportunity and equality, minority black extremists were planning their own army and plotting their political dominance. Inside Larry's Head takes a look at the story.

Pretty much everywhere in the ancient world, the will and whim of the monarch was law and fact. There was no-one able to force the monarch to debate and so the welfare of the nation was subject to whatever was easiest for the monarch at the moment. It is no accident that as the ability of the people to force the power structure to pay attention to overall needs of the nation, that nation's fortunes have increased. The Original Blog someone being unwilling to debate net neutrality, acting much like the monarchs and strongmen of non-democratic nations.

The ancient greek philosophers believed that there was no need to experimentally confirm the results of their thinking, as the universe was perfectly reasonable. Indeed, the person who proved the existence of irrational numbers was asked to take hemlock by the Pythagorean Society. Learning the lesson of your mental map not conforming to the territory is one of the hardest lessons, and ongoing even today, as Politechnical notes that the lesson is ongoing.

On much the same subject, one of the primary human activities since the dawn of time has been trying to get other people to pay, or pay more for, economic activities that they produce anyway. Your host at Searchlight Crusade has a few things to say on the subject.

When its elites had a tradition of service in order to obtain power, Rome conquered a large portion of the world. When its elites started thinking only of evading their share of the burdens of society, Rome fell apart. Pigilito Says notes that German patriotism is once again acceptable to most Germans, after several decades of atonement for their national deeds.

Throughout human history, the tendency has been to lionize those who accomplish great or risky deeds in wartime. This has the effect of rewarding behavior that is not necessarily in the best interest of the individual involved, but is in the best interest of the civilization. A civilization without defenders, or without enough defenders, is soon overrun. In the last forty years, the guardians of our public discussion have refused to honor our real military heroes while playing up the misdeeds of those who happen to be soldiers. This has the effect of fewer people willing to be defenders of our civilization, and practically none from the intellectual elite. It took thirty-five years before a movie showing real world American military heroes from the Vietnam era in anything like a positive light was made, and that by an Australian. Contrast that with World War II, where innumerable films were made soon after the events they were based upon, and they have continued to be made to this day. Tinkerty-Tonk slides in with a last minute entry upon how the marketing of the war by our guardians of public discussion has affected its public perception.

Next Week's Host: enrevanche

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