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I'm recommending two charities for Katrina victims. The first is the American Red Cross. The second, for those who remember that humans are not the only ones who suffer, is the AKC CAR fund, which is promising that 100% of everything they get will be used for disaster relief.

Instapundit's round-up is here


Anarchangel has a good post on the economic realities behind market speculation. I have some quibbles: The price I buy the oil at determines the price it is profitable for me to sell the oil at, and similar things, such as I suspect the actual prices where supply and demand would balance out is in the low fifties, but it's worth reading.


I am sorry, but I've had an emergency come up. I have walked a check in to Red Cross, and I mailed another to AKC CAR Fund, but that's all I can do today (the previous two articles were both auto-posted from earlier in the week, and the first two sections of this were written last night). I encourage folks to dig as deep as they can, and then add another few dollars for our non-human companions. Even $10 buys a lot of animal care. May you all be kept safe.


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