Recycled Terrorists

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Pundit Review had Michael Yon on; they have a audio file of the interview. Go to about twenty minutes in. They talk about the terrorists who were released from Guantanamo Bay who go straight to Iraq and combat with our troops. Michael Yon says that some of them were released as a result of pay offs, some released for reasons unknown.

I WANT INVESTIGATIONS INTO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THESE INCIDENTS, DAMMIT! THESE TERRORISTS ARE BEING RELEASED TO KILL OUR PEOPLE! I DEMAND TO KNOW WHO DID IT, AND WHY! If there is any significant doubt, why are they being released? We didn't release Germans or Japanese during World War II. We didn't release Germans during WWI. We didn't release Confederates during the Civil War. WHY ARE WE RELEASING THESE SCUMBAGS? I want to know who is responsible, and why they made each and every one of these mistakes. If it is at the request of "allies", maybe we shouldn't honor these requests any more. If it at the request of "neutrals," they sure don't look neutral to me. If it is at the request of enemies, I want to know the quid pro quo and whether it was honored (I suspect not). If it is as the result of "guidelines," those guidelines need to be changed YESTERDAY and the people responsible disciplined.

I'm generally against back seat drivers and people trying to run a war from 8000 miles away, but this is one thing that people at home can do without one bullet coming their way, and that will actually hep without distracting our soldiers at the front: Find out why these bad guys were released to shoot at our soldiers. We can get some retired or wounded soldiers and marines on the case, who may not be up for combat but they can handle shuffling through a paperwork investigation just fine. They also have motivation to get to the bottom of things, and not to accept any Male Bovine Fecal Matter.

I know the president and Rumsfield have taken a lot of political heat about Guantanamo from useful idiots in our own Congress, press, etcetera. That doesn't mean we should let the terrorists write our policy manuals. What good is whacking a mole when your own side just lets him go again?

HT to Dean's World


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