Zee Links and Minifeatures: May 2007 Archives

United 300, a hilarious spoof.

"Tonight, we dine in Cleveland!"


Air-Car Ready for Mass Production

No, it's not a flying car, but it is a noteworthy piece of eco-technology, assuming it's real. I found myself checking the date to make certain it wasn't April 1st while reading the article.

The article does note that it's not likely to come to the US due to lack of crashworthiness. Wouldn't that be a political fight to watch from the sidelines: Global warming true believers versus the same lawyers who make so much money in class action suits against automakers for safety flaws. I also suspect the compressed air tanks would be likely to fail catastrophically in many crashes, even ones that wouldn't be particularly dangerous in an unmodified Pinto (BOOM!)


Asymmetrical Information on trends in projected social security deficits. Getting marginally worse, not better, in a period of economic expansion.

My shoulder is hurting less than it was, although it's not fully healed yet, as Tuesday proved.

Went to Sea World with my older daughter's first grade class as a parent volunteer. Talk about herding cats! Having done the "class field trip" thing twice now, I can testify that divvying up the class three or four students per volunteer (what the teacher did last time) seems to work a lot better than trying to keep the whole class in one big gaggle. For one thing, I could learn three or four faces and keep track of them, but I found learning all but the couple I already know that quickly to be beyond me, with the upshot being that the parents could count the students, but had no real idea if students from another class had gotten mixed in. Only the teacher knew for sure if the count matched the members of the class.

I'm hoping to start up with more extra articles again soon. I put one up earlier today. I'm working on an Iraq post, off and on. We'll see how it works out. My shoulder is improving, but it still gets to hurting sometimes. I've also been very depressed about Thing. I still miss that little dog something fierce. I'm looking forward to things stabilizing enough that I can buy another puppy (or two - one for me and one for Hilda)

I've been using enough bandwidth that it's worthwhile to upgrade the service plan the site is on. 23 gigs of bandwidth so far this month - all text. One would think that 135,000 visits from almost 40,000 unique visitors so far this month would result in more income from Blogads - or at least more loan and real estate inquiries for me. With two days to go in the month, looks like the site is headed for another traffic record this month, despite the relative lack of new articles. My point is this: the expenses of this site are not huge, but they're not trivial either. If you like having the site here, please send me your friends who are Californians for loans, or better yet, San Diegans for real estate, so that I can justify the time and expense, not just to my wife but in my own mind as well. Or, if you don't want to do that, come here to do your google searches where you're going to click on some paid advertising link anyway (but please, no phantom clicks. People clicking on stuff they're not really interested in doesn't really help, and it's cheating to boot. I appreciate the thought, but let's not cheat the advertisers, even those that may be scum of the earth).

(Or you could just hit my tip jar at top left, although with less than $100 in almost two years, that's not going to pay my mortgage - or even bandwidth bill - any time soon)

My business commercial is here, for those in San Diego or California.

Carnival of Personal Finance

Carnival of Debt Reduction

Sorry, just carnivals once again. This week is looking really hectic, so I may only have one or two completely new articles.

Just carnivals once again.

RINO Sightings

Consumer Focused Real Estate

My shoulder is better than it was, but it still starts hurting for no apparent reason from time to time. It would sure be nice to heal like a 20 year old again!

Consumer-Focused Carnival of Real Estate Recommended: Silicon Valley Real Estate (Why a perfect house wasn't perfect)

(Sorry I'm late on this one)

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The Book on Mortgages Everyone Should Have
What Consumers Need To Know About Mortgages
What Consumers Need To Know About Mortgages Cover

The Book on Buying Real Estate Everyone Should Have
What Consumers Need To Know About Buying Real Estate
What Consumers Need To Know About Buying Real Estate Cover

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The Man From Empire
Man From Empire Cover
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A Guardian From Earth
Guardian From Earth Cover
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Empire and Earth
Empire and Earth Cover
Empire and Earth Books2Read link

Working The Trenches
Working The Trenches Cover
Working the Trenches Books2Read link

Rediscovery 4 novel set
Rediscovery set cover
Rediscovery 4 novel set Books2Read link

Preparing The Ground
Preparing the Ground Cover
Preparing the Ground Books2Read link

Building the People
Building the People Cover
Building the People Books2Read link
Setting The Board

Setting The Board Cover

Setting The Board Books2Read link

Moving The Pieces

Moving The Pieces Cover
Moving The Pieces Books2Read link

The Invention of Motherhood
Invention of Motherhood Cover
Invention of Motherhood Books2Read link

The Price of Power
Price of Power Cover
Price of Power Books2Read link

The End Of Childhood
End Of Childhood cover
The End of Childhood Books2Read link

Measure Of Adulthood
Measure Of Adulthood cover
Measure Of Adulthood Books2Read link

The Fountains of Aescalon
Fountains of Aescalon Cover
The Fountains of Aescalon Books2Read link

The Monad Trap
Monad Trap Cover
The Monad Trap Books2Read link

The Gates To Faerie
Gates To Faerie cover
The Gates To Faerie Books2Read link

Gifts Of The Mother
Gifts Of The Mother cover
Gifts Of The Mother Books2Read link

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This page is a archive of entries in the Zee Links and Minifeatures category from May 2007.

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